Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Discussion #3

For me, one that can use further discussion would have to be the concept of advertisement and what goes into it to make it successful. For me, I am really into marketing and advertising, just because of the fact that I am constantly around it especially in times like this where technology is dominate. I believe that this would be a concept I would love to further discuss and gain more knowledge about. One aspect that I would really love to touch on would be the technology aspect of advertisement. I love contributing my opinions and ideas to any project especially commercials and new campaigning. During high school when we would do mock businesses such as food stands I was part of Promotions and advertising so I feel this aspect would go hand in hand with me and my ideals already. Just the extra knowledge would help. I love interacting with a group just to promote an item. I feel accomplished when a product of mine would become successful.

Thank you for this great year everyone!
Randy Alonzo.  

1 comment:

  1. I think that advertisements wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for communication and the study of it. We do see advertisements everywhere we go. Whether it be on the freeway, in a magazine, on TV or various other venues. I think that advertisement should be paid attention to so that people don’t let themselves be swayed so easily. Once people learn about communication and the way that products are communicated to them, I think that this world would have a lot less people buying senseless things who get into deep debt just to attain these objects.
