First of all, I will state that I am not
too much of a religious person but I do strongly believe in the existence of
God. So if anything I am a little biased about this topic. But this topic
itself is really conflicting to many believers of evolution and God. They both
do not mix at all. I believe it is one or the other. So as Aquinas is
explaining, the belief of God is more practical than the belief of evolution.
But he is really one sided with this belief because he does not explain the
other side of the topic. Evolution could not be highly proved because there was
a lack of observation and information of the world. As for Dawkins he could
have more support because he can scientifically prove the existence of
evolution which is more practical than just belief itself. So I feel Dawkins
would not see eye to eye with Aquinas with this topic.
Randy Alonzo.