Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 3 Question #3

One thing that has stood out to me in this chapter was the different types of languages. Before reading chapter 3, I was oblivious to non-verbal language. So after reading chapter 3, I learned about the many different types of languages such as informative and physical language. Informative is important to learn about facts and the status of a statement if it is false or not.  I can relate to it but I find it a little funny. In my family, we literally use our lips to point out objects in the house. I feel like it is a cultural thing as well. It also reminds me of this class I took the first semester of college. It was called music world cultures which talks of different languages used in different countries.  It really does broaden your understanding of the language that is out there in this world. You can express anything through these different types of languages.

Randy Alonzo.

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