Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Discussion #3

For me, one that can use further discussion would have to be the concept of advertisement and what goes into it to make it successful. For me, I am really into marketing and advertising, just because of the fact that I am constantly around it especially in times like this where technology is dominate. I believe that this would be a concept I would love to further discuss and gain more knowledge about. One aspect that I would really love to touch on would be the technology aspect of advertisement. I love contributing my opinions and ideas to any project especially commercials and new campaigning. During high school when we would do mock businesses such as food stands I was part of Promotions and advertising so I feel this aspect would go hand in hand with me and my ideals already. Just the extra knowledge would help. I love interacting with a group just to promote an item. I feel accomplished when a product of mine would become successful.

Thank you for this great year everyone!
Randy Alonzo.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Discussion #2

My favorite thing about this class was all the new concepts of the human mind that I have learned over the course of this semester. I did not have any clue how much I would love this class. I just found everything very interesting. I also did not think I would even open up my book to be honest. Discussion posts and comments were actually fun doing. I liked the whole concept of blogging as well. I feel as if the idea of blogging best suited our generation and this class in general. The thing I disliked most would probably be it that it is online. It may sound contradicting to what I just said about blogging but I just did not like having to go online an answering because I sometimes forget this class existed just because I do not physically go into a classroom. I do not believe anything should be added to this class because it works. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Discussion #1

Before taking this class, I did not have any idea what this class had to offer me. I felt as if this class would be a really easy class to just cruise by, but it showed me otherwise. This course caught me by surprise. Some of the projects were challenging, but nothing a little effort could fix. Comm. 41 taught me a lot. It taught me that the context of an argument is more than just two sides exchanging words. It is much more than that. Little things from types of arguments, reasoning, languages, etc, are important contents that hinder underneath the simplistic idea of an argument. It also showed the complex way one’s mind comprehended situations that are confronted and how we as human beings worked around it in response. This honestly has to be the most interesting class I have taken at SJSU within my two years here. (First time I wrote exactly 150 words on a discussion). :)

Thank You Professor Perez!
Randy Alonzo.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question #2

Okay so my situation would be very common amongst the public which involves being late for work. It can also relate to others that deal with work, school, and etc. Well so I decided to take up a shift one morning for a fellow co-worker after a late night closing shift which ended about 2 in the morning. Well I work at the Dining Commons here on campus and so we sometimes close really late. I had to get up 6 in the morning because I started at 6:30 so I had to set my alarm. I went on my phone to set my alarm and set it to 6 o’clock. I set my phone to 6 o’clock and went to bed. So I wake up the next morning naturally because I had to urinate and I looked at my phone and it was 6:45. I was late to work because I did not hear my phone go off. I check my phone and it said the alarm was set at 6 p.m. instead of a.m. The assumption I made that thinking that my phone was set for a.m. instead of p.m. was incorrect. Also I ended going to work the wrong day as well I did not have to even go in that morning. It was for the week after.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 12 Question #1

Horoscope: Your spirit sparkles, Scorpio. You may feel filled with tremendous energy as you go about your day. Your sense of adventure is high, and there's very little that gets you down. One area that might be difficult to deal with right now is love and romance. You may feel like this is the one domain in which things aren't going the way you'd like them to. Patience is the secret.

This is truly the first time I have ever read my horoscope and as for my first time it is extremely accurate. It is honestly almost scary. I would feel like it would be on point with some things because I feel they would be very general to be compatible with all people. But it is really accurate. As a person I am really energetic when it comes to being positive. I usually spread this joy with others just because I love lifting people up when they are down and in return I become even happier. From the sense of adventure it was right on. I have been wanting to go on an adventure no matter what kind even if it simply going out to eat or busting a random adventure to the beach. I love being spontaneous and you cannot be any more spontaneous than taking a random trip to somewhere. It really is hard to put me in a bad mood just because I have been this way my whole life. I love seeing the positives in life throughout any situation. It has just recently occurred that going into college has really affected my love life. I got out of a serious relationship my first year here because of many reasons; mainly distance. That has really changed my personality greatly. I feel as if I am not as outgoing anymore and I am constantly thinking of the past and my future. But I do keep my head up just patiently waiting because I still do believe in love. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question #3

In this chapter, there are many topics that caught my eye. In general this chapter is perfect for current events because media is a big part of life. This generation is solely based on media and news the shape the way the economy thinks. Television alone shaped the way our generation thinks which is not all too good. We have been called the “Jersey Shore Generation” which is basically describing our ignorance and the potential we lack to become successful. So one thing that I believe is important is bias in the news. It is definitely out there and is portrayed in the news. The country has used media to persuade people to think one way or the other. I have explained this in my second post. Another thing that I found interesting is the use of racism in the news. Well not necessarily racism but racial comparison as shown in the picture in the Think Textbook. So for everyone, we have to be careful what we post in social media and what we show to the public.  

Chapter 11 Question #2

Okay, so in this chapter, both authors discuss their viewpoints on plagiarism and how it is either good or bad. They both put up great support for their opinions and I can see the valid points that they make.  Brook Sadler believes is a supporter of plagiarism being wrong and in this case I believe many people other than him also support this idea. I know as for myself, I do also support plagiarism being wrong and should not be done because the person who has created the idea should get full credit for their statement or idea. It is not fair having someone else taking credit for something you may have worked on very hard. Look at it this way, what if you have discovered something that is important that can change life and someone else took the credit for your discovery. Wouldn’t you be disappointed and kind of angry? I would definitely but then again plagiarism in school is enforced strictly to boundaries that even I do not prefer. I know there are many ideas that one cannot take all the credit before because in history, I believe there are things that are thought of many times. Obviously I am talking about general ideas and I strongly believe that these ideas should not be credited to one person. This is what gives trouble to students of all ages and this is what Hunt was talking about. So this statement is very controversial. What is your opinion?