Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 12 Question #1

Horoscope: Your spirit sparkles, Scorpio. You may feel filled with tremendous energy as you go about your day. Your sense of adventure is high, and there's very little that gets you down. One area that might be difficult to deal with right now is love and romance. You may feel like this is the one domain in which things aren't going the way you'd like them to. Patience is the secret.

This is truly the first time I have ever read my horoscope and as for my first time it is extremely accurate. It is honestly almost scary. I would feel like it would be on point with some things because I feel they would be very general to be compatible with all people. But it is really accurate. As a person I am really energetic when it comes to being positive. I usually spread this joy with others just because I love lifting people up when they are down and in return I become even happier. From the sense of adventure it was right on. I have been wanting to go on an adventure no matter what kind even if it simply going out to eat or busting a random adventure to the beach. I love being spontaneous and you cannot be any more spontaneous than taking a random trip to somewhere. It really is hard to put me in a bad mood just because I have been this way my whole life. I love seeing the positives in life throughout any situation. It has just recently occurred that going into college has really affected my love life. I got out of a serious relationship my first year here because of many reasons; mainly distance. That has really changed my personality greatly. I feel as if I am not as outgoing anymore and I am constantly thinking of the past and my future. But I do keep my head up just patiently waiting because I still do believe in love. 


  1. Wow! It seems like your horoscope was exactly on point with everything in your life. That's a bit scary how that works. It was nice reading the part about how you like lifting people up when they're down and that makes you happier. It's always a nice feeling when you can put a smile on a sad person's face. I'm sorry to hear about your break up, but you already have the right idea about keeping your head up and being patient. I noticed that love usually comes into the ways of people that don't go out looking for it. It's just all an element of surprise :)

  2. I definitely agree with you Randy, I believe that horoscopes are on point.. It looks like your horoscope was really accurate. I’m glad that even though things did not work out how you wanted to, that you are still positive. Just be patient, and one day you will find another. Keep focusing on school and always be spontaneous. Keep doing you and your personality seems to shine and make others happy. Personally, I am going to look at horoscopes more often because they only confirm certain feelings and emotions that people have. Stay happy and always remember that a lot of people also count on you to make them optimistic.
