Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question #3

In this chapter, there are many topics that caught my eye. In general this chapter is perfect for current events because media is a big part of life. This generation is solely based on media and news the shape the way the economy thinks. Television alone shaped the way our generation thinks which is not all too good. We have been called the “Jersey Shore Generation” which is basically describing our ignorance and the potential we lack to become successful. So one thing that I believe is important is bias in the news. It is definitely out there and is portrayed in the news. The country has used media to persuade people to think one way or the other. I have explained this in my second post. Another thing that I found interesting is the use of racism in the news. Well not necessarily racism but racial comparison as shown in the picture in the Think Textbook. So for everyone, we have to be careful what we post in social media and what we show to the public.  

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