Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 10 Question #2

This is a classic argument of healthy eating in today’s society. It is basically one author giving her view on supporting what the child is exposed to from food marketers and as for the other author, he or she is giving the opposing view. So in this situation Wootan is explaining that yes, the parents may be the one to blame for poor eating choices for them and their children, but she also points out that the marketing from food companies and franchises aren’t helping as well. She morally has a good point but then again I believe that it really does focus on the parents’ will. That is why I agree more with Liodice because she is technically correct. Everyone has their right to freedom of speech and press. So they can push any topic without much restraint on what they are trying to advertise. They are simply doing their job and trying to make a living. It may not be an honest living, but the public does not have to give in to their campaigning. 

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