Friday, November 9, 2012

Chapter 11 Question #1

The current time we live in is perfect to explain what the impact of media on the public especially what is going on right now. Well the media is obviously the main source for all news, current events, and most information on basically everything. A generation is highly influenced by media which what producers take advantage of. So for example since we are living in the time of elections once again, the media played an exponential role in campaigning. They used media to reach out to the public to persuade one to believe one way and reject the other ideals of another. It was used by both candidates, Romney and Obama. Well if you look at the bigger picture, have you thought of where do you get your news from? Well this plays another important role as well because almost every news station is biased and it is obvious to see what news station believes in what. I believe the only station I know of as of now that isn’t biased towards U.S. parties is BBC just because it is a station that gets an overall ideal. Well that is how I see it, I would get in depth but this topic is very broad.  


  1. I absolutely agree with you in that it is hard to measure just how much effect media has on our generation. The media for campaigning was pretty excessive. One commercial would have a message to vote yes on a proposition and the next commercial would be vote no on that same proposition. It was not only confusing because propositions can be hard to read, due to the writing, but it also made me think that all of the political media had a huge part in what and who people voted for. I also like that you brought up the bias in the news aspect of the campaign. Because I also think that the bias could have played a role in how people voted also.

  2. Dear Randy,
    I agree completely with you about mass media has a major influence on us. If the newscaster said to go out and buy something that is good for your health, most people would go out and buy it. I feel like that is similar to how celebrities promote certain products. For example, if Kim Kardashian said that to buy a new pair of nikes, then a lot of people would go out that very day even and buy a pair, just because Kim Said so. Now that I think of this, it is very power thing for a media to have.

  3. Hello Randy Alonzo!
    I agree with you about the fact that the media has had such an insane significant impact on the world espeically in today's age. That's exactly what I said in my post! I just think that the media portrays people so differently than they actually are and thus it makes the media such a powerful component of todays world. It can change people based on what they say and how they say it. I think it's insane how crazy it has gotten especially over the last few years.
    Thanks for your help Randy!
