Okay, so in this chapter, both authors discuss their
viewpoints on plagiarism and how it is either good or bad. They both put up
great support for their opinions and I can see the valid points that they make.
Brook Sadler believes is a supporter of
plagiarism being wrong and in this case I believe many people other than him
also support this idea. I know as for myself, I do also support plagiarism
being wrong and should not be done because the person who has created the idea
should get full credit for their statement or idea. It is not fair having
someone else taking credit for something you may have worked on very hard. Look
at it this way, what if you have discovered something that is important that
can change life and someone else took the credit for your discovery. Wouldn’t
you be disappointed and kind of angry? I would definitely but then again
plagiarism in school is enforced strictly to boundaries that even I do not
prefer. I know there are many ideas that one cannot take all the credit before
because in history, I believe there are things that are thought of many times.
Obviously I am talking about general ideas and I strongly believe that these
ideas should not be credited to one person. This is what gives trouble to
students of all ages and this is what Hunt was talking about. So this statement
is very controversial. What is your opinion?
I definitely agree with you that Sadler made a stronger argument than Hunt did. I am also a supporter of thinking that plagiarism is the wrong thing to do because if I, for example, did an assignment, then another student plagiarized, but received a better grade than me for the assignment, I would be pretty upset. It would suck if you were the person that someone else plagiarized off of, and didn't give you any credit for it. I think there should be harsher consequences for students that plagiarize, instead of just receiving a zero for that one assignment. Some professors would report it to the administration, but others would probably be too lazy to. I think plagiarism also has a lot to do with how the professor reacts to it.