Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Discussion #3

For me, one that can use further discussion would have to be the concept of advertisement and what goes into it to make it successful. For me, I am really into marketing and advertising, just because of the fact that I am constantly around it especially in times like this where technology is dominate. I believe that this would be a concept I would love to further discuss and gain more knowledge about. One aspect that I would really love to touch on would be the technology aspect of advertisement. I love contributing my opinions and ideas to any project especially commercials and new campaigning. During high school when we would do mock businesses such as food stands I was part of Promotions and advertising so I feel this aspect would go hand in hand with me and my ideals already. Just the extra knowledge would help. I love interacting with a group just to promote an item. I feel accomplished when a product of mine would become successful.

Thank you for this great year everyone!
Randy Alonzo.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Discussion #2

My favorite thing about this class was all the new concepts of the human mind that I have learned over the course of this semester. I did not have any clue how much I would love this class. I just found everything very interesting. I also did not think I would even open up my book to be honest. Discussion posts and comments were actually fun doing. I liked the whole concept of blogging as well. I feel as if the idea of blogging best suited our generation and this class in general. The thing I disliked most would probably be it that it is online. It may sound contradicting to what I just said about blogging but I just did not like having to go online an answering because I sometimes forget this class existed just because I do not physically go into a classroom. I do not believe anything should be added to this class because it works. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Final Discussion #1

Before taking this class, I did not have any idea what this class had to offer me. I felt as if this class would be a really easy class to just cruise by, but it showed me otherwise. This course caught me by surprise. Some of the projects were challenging, but nothing a little effort could fix. Comm. 41 taught me a lot. It taught me that the context of an argument is more than just two sides exchanging words. It is much more than that. Little things from types of arguments, reasoning, languages, etc, are important contents that hinder underneath the simplistic idea of an argument. It also showed the complex way one’s mind comprehended situations that are confronted and how we as human beings worked around it in response. This honestly has to be the most interesting class I have taken at SJSU within my two years here. (First time I wrote exactly 150 words on a discussion). :)

Thank You Professor Perez!
Randy Alonzo.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question #2

Okay so my situation would be very common amongst the public which involves being late for work. It can also relate to others that deal with work, school, and etc. Well so I decided to take up a shift one morning for a fellow co-worker after a late night closing shift which ended about 2 in the morning. Well I work at the Dining Commons here on campus and so we sometimes close really late. I had to get up 6 in the morning because I started at 6:30 so I had to set my alarm. I went on my phone to set my alarm and set it to 6 o’clock. I set my phone to 6 o’clock and went to bed. So I wake up the next morning naturally because I had to urinate and I looked at my phone and it was 6:45. I was late to work because I did not hear my phone go off. I check my phone and it said the alarm was set at 6 p.m. instead of a.m. The assumption I made that thinking that my phone was set for a.m. instead of p.m. was incorrect. Also I ended going to work the wrong day as well I did not have to even go in that morning. It was for the week after.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 12 Question #1

Horoscope: Your spirit sparkles, Scorpio. You may feel filled with tremendous energy as you go about your day. Your sense of adventure is high, and there's very little that gets you down. One area that might be difficult to deal with right now is love and romance. You may feel like this is the one domain in which things aren't going the way you'd like them to. Patience is the secret.

This is truly the first time I have ever read my horoscope and as for my first time it is extremely accurate. It is honestly almost scary. I would feel like it would be on point with some things because I feel they would be very general to be compatible with all people. But it is really accurate. As a person I am really energetic when it comes to being positive. I usually spread this joy with others just because I love lifting people up when they are down and in return I become even happier. From the sense of adventure it was right on. I have been wanting to go on an adventure no matter what kind even if it simply going out to eat or busting a random adventure to the beach. I love being spontaneous and you cannot be any more spontaneous than taking a random trip to somewhere. It really is hard to put me in a bad mood just because I have been this way my whole life. I love seeing the positives in life throughout any situation. It has just recently occurred that going into college has really affected my love life. I got out of a serious relationship my first year here because of many reasons; mainly distance. That has really changed my personality greatly. I feel as if I am not as outgoing anymore and I am constantly thinking of the past and my future. But I do keep my head up just patiently waiting because I still do believe in love. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question #3

In this chapter, there are many topics that caught my eye. In general this chapter is perfect for current events because media is a big part of life. This generation is solely based on media and news the shape the way the economy thinks. Television alone shaped the way our generation thinks which is not all too good. We have been called the “Jersey Shore Generation” which is basically describing our ignorance and the potential we lack to become successful. So one thing that I believe is important is bias in the news. It is definitely out there and is portrayed in the news. The country has used media to persuade people to think one way or the other. I have explained this in my second post. Another thing that I found interesting is the use of racism in the news. Well not necessarily racism but racial comparison as shown in the picture in the Think Textbook. So for everyone, we have to be careful what we post in social media and what we show to the public.  

Chapter 11 Question #2

Okay, so in this chapter, both authors discuss their viewpoints on plagiarism and how it is either good or bad. They both put up great support for their opinions and I can see the valid points that they make.  Brook Sadler believes is a supporter of plagiarism being wrong and in this case I believe many people other than him also support this idea. I know as for myself, I do also support plagiarism being wrong and should not be done because the person who has created the idea should get full credit for their statement or idea. It is not fair having someone else taking credit for something you may have worked on very hard. Look at it this way, what if you have discovered something that is important that can change life and someone else took the credit for your discovery. Wouldn’t you be disappointed and kind of angry? I would definitely but then again plagiarism in school is enforced strictly to boundaries that even I do not prefer. I know there are many ideas that one cannot take all the credit before because in history, I believe there are things that are thought of many times. Obviously I am talking about general ideas and I strongly believe that these ideas should not be credited to one person. This is what gives trouble to students of all ages and this is what Hunt was talking about. So this statement is very controversial. What is your opinion?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chapter 11 Question #1

The current time we live in is perfect to explain what the impact of media on the public especially what is going on right now. Well the media is obviously the main source for all news, current events, and most information on basically everything. A generation is highly influenced by media which what producers take advantage of. So for example since we are living in the time of elections once again, the media played an exponential role in campaigning. They used media to reach out to the public to persuade one to believe one way and reject the other ideals of another. It was used by both candidates, Romney and Obama. Well if you look at the bigger picture, have you thought of where do you get your news from? Well this plays another important role as well because almost every news station is biased and it is obvious to see what news station believes in what. I believe the only station I know of as of now that isn’t biased towards U.S. parties is BBC just because it is a station that gets an overall ideal. Well that is how I see it, I would get in depth but this topic is very broad.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question #3

One thing that stood out the most to me is product placement. It is literally everywhere. You see it in television, movies, and anywhere else that you can find civilization. So for a television show, how do you get the money to start and keep it running? I mean money does not magically appear. A great amount comes from sponsors. It is announced at the beginning of every show, during, and after. It is also obvious when you see the logo on every item that is on set either in the clear or timidly in the background of a scene. It plays a major role in sports and is continuing to grow. You can see soccer players, ufc fighters, and nascar drivers for a great example because the advertise all their sponsors and they get money in return. The advertisement is even reaching more to the NBA. Take a look at the commercials, the courtside, and also listen to the announcers and how they introduce products during the game. The NBA even considered getting major sponsoring on their jerseys as well is still in talk. I honestly believe that is too much and shouldn’t go that far. I believe they are doing enough to get their product out their but it is their choice. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 10 Question #2

This is a classic argument of healthy eating in today’s society. It is basically one author giving her view on supporting what the child is exposed to from food marketers and as for the other author, he or she is giving the opposing view. So in this situation Wootan is explaining that yes, the parents may be the one to blame for poor eating choices for them and their children, but she also points out that the marketing from food companies and franchises aren’t helping as well. She morally has a good point but then again I believe that it really does focus on the parents’ will. That is why I agree more with Liodice because she is technically correct. Everyone has their right to freedom of speech and press. So they can push any topic without much restraint on what they are trying to advertise. They are simply doing their job and trying to make a living. It may not be an honest living, but the public does not have to give in to their campaigning. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10 Question #1

During the past week, I would say I have been exposed to media quite a bit, at least more than usual due to the fact that I went home this week. As I was watching television I noticed that Microsoft has been very active recently after the introduction of many apple products that have been coming out recently. So as for marketing strategies, they have used competition from another company such as apple, to help gain profit and customers with their new products. They put out products that look great and may seem better to the public just because of its technology. Given that it isn’t as good as a staple like apple products, it still isn’t too far behind. It is growing especially with the introduction of windows 8 and also the new computer/tablet called, “Surface”. Microsoft at one point was higher in value than apple and helped them out of bankruptcy just to continue this type of marketing.  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 4 Question #3

It seems as if this whole chapter has been based on memory, such as the stories and also the arguments of the existence of UFO’s. It all leads to the false memory syndrome. The theory of being abducted may be along the lines of false memory syndrome. The human brain is very strong and can alter the way we think. It can create these situations they we eventually may strongly to believe occurred. I can recall a story that I strongly believe to this day that has happened. But lately I have been thinking more because as time went on I started to doubt these so called “memories”. Well the story I remember is I drowning in a pool on a Sunday afternoon and that my uncle came to save me in his Sunday clothes. I remember eating and jumping in the pool alone and cramping up. Then I couldn’t swim and drowned. I don’t remember much just waking up and finding out that I drowned. But I talk of this to my family and no one seems to recall this incident. This sort of gives a potential occurrence of false memory syndrome.

Chapter 4 Question #2

These authors all give a great explanation in their beliefs of UFO’s. They all do not completely ignore that fact that there is a possibility of potential existing UFO’s. Some do not believe it more than others. For example Condon believes that if the existence of UFO’s is real within the last 21 years, it would have created more talk than it has in reality. It should be on federal level and should not be kept in secrecy. He also explains that since it is not very valid it should not be taught to children because it can disturb learning when young. Hynek believes that we as readers should not give up the possibility of UFO existence. That even these abductees may not be lying and can be real. Just because the evidence is not strong, the possibility is still out there. It just needs more scientific evidence. Alike Hynek, Paynter’s argument does not single out the possibility of UFO’s but believes if people were going to support this issue at least have valid evidence not just testimony and objects that are supposedly alien objects. These alien objects are not even proved to be accurate. So if these believers can find hard proof then it would be perfectly fine to support the idea. I personally agree with Paynter because you can’t single out any possibility because things may be real but it just needs strong evidence. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chapter 4 Question #1

I believe that knowledge and can be obtained but at different times. In a sense wisdom and knowledge are both obtained through education and experience just that one more than the other. So to explain this, I believe that knowledge obviously is obtained more through education that we accumulate from school such as college and prior. As for wisdom, it can be taught in school but more on the lines of experience. Knowledge I believe is something that happens over a greater period of time. Usually you think of older people when you think of wise people and it is true. They have been alive longer first of all and because of that they have experienced more. This includes life lessons so they learn from it and can pass it on to younger generations. It may not necessarily be from books as well. From experience, I think the things we learn in school gives us knowledge more than wisdom just because like I said earlier we gain knowledge through life lessons.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 3 Question #3

One thing that has stood out to me in this chapter was the different types of languages. Before reading chapter 3, I was oblivious to non-verbal language. So after reading chapter 3, I learned about the many different types of languages such as informative and physical language. Informative is important to learn about facts and the status of a statement if it is false or not.  I can relate to it but I find it a little funny. In my family, we literally use our lips to point out objects in the house. I feel like it is a cultural thing as well. It also reminds me of this class I took the first semester of college. It was called music world cultures which talks of different languages used in different countries.  It really does broaden your understanding of the language that is out there in this world. You can express anything through these different types of languages.

Randy Alonzo.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 3 Question #2

Within the past two weeks I have used rhetorical devices.
As for my first example, I have used euphemism in a conversation that I had with my brother a few days ago. He had bought oxy pro elite diet pills. These pills claim to help your body reach its maximum potential when turning fat into energy. Also helps boost your metabolism. So he asked me if he did the right thing and I said that he did not have to buy them unless he really needed, which I believe he did. I only lied to him because I felt bad. He said he was fat, but instead of that I just said he was just a little chubby. As for another example I pulled my groin the other week during practice for Friendship Games that is happening at the end of the month. I was walking home with a hurt foot and also the pulled groin and said that I felt like I was going to die. That is an over exaggeration. Those are two examples of rhetorical devices that I have used in the past two weeks.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chapter 3 Question #1

Sally Ride literally had every characteristic explained on page 7. She believed that the key to becoming successful in life and to reach your goals is to have good communication. By doing this, she was able to finish double majoring in English and physics, and also finished getting her PhD in physics at Stanford. She also is an analytical thinker. She benefited by using strategies to help set things clear in order to meet the goals she set for herself. It also helped her become one of thirty-five people to become an astronaut. With all this research and experience, she then opened up, Sally Ride Science which helps girls become educated with the knowledge of space exploration but most importantly help them become familiar with communication. She really does believe that communication is the most important and gets people to wherever they desire to go in life. I support her choice because it really does help make life easier and beneficial.

Randy Alonzo

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2 Question #2

First of all, I will state that I am not too much of a religious person but I do strongly believe in the existence of God. So if anything I am a little biased about this topic. But this topic itself is really conflicting to many believers of evolution and God. They both do not mix at all. I believe it is one or the other. So as Aquinas is explaining, the belief of God is more practical than the belief of evolution. But he is really one sided with this belief because he does not explain the other side of the topic. Evolution could not be highly proved because there was a lack of observation and information of the world. As for Dawkins he could have more support because he can scientifically prove the existence of evolution which is more practical than just belief itself. So I feel Dawkins would not see eye to eye with Aquinas with this topic.

Randy Alonzo.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 2 Question #1

If I had a specific strength that is noticeable when you first meet me, it probably would not be confidence to say the least. This does not mean that I am not confident at all it just takes a while to set in because I usually have to be comfortable. Communication is not a weakness as well. But as for strength it would be the desire to learn and work hard. I have the will to do anything that I am told and pick up really quick. Why is this relevant? Well I honestly think too much and rely on logical reasoning for most situations. This is a good thing because I use logical reasoning in order to process instructions given by a higher authority so many times before even learning something new, I might already know how to perform the action. As for an occupation, I can actually apply it to many things; mainly jobs that are hands on. But as for a job in particular, I would love to work as a clinical lab scientist which uses logical reasoning all the time to determine what disease may lie within a blood sample.

Randy Alonzo.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chapter 7 Question #3

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” A very common saying but also very true in most cases. This basically means that do not judge someone or something with just first impressions or first glance. There are plenty of generalizations, but how many of them are 100% true? It is pretty rare that generalizations are true especially in the world we live in were prejudice acts and racism have existed. Well a generalization is making conclusions off of judgment instead of in depth knowledge. I believe it could lead to false conclusions which may or may not change the way of how things may play out in decision making or life choices. For say, you might meet someone new. Maybe because by the way one looks you might not want to be friends or the way you get a first impression with someone that probably had a bad day can leave a bad impression as well. What if that person is actually a very nice person and then you have a lost opportunity of associating yourself with them. As you can see we are taught of how generalization plays a big role in everyday lives.

Randy Alonzo.

Chapter 7 Question #2

In the article, Outside the Box, Dr. Novello touches on the topic of teen smoking and how common it has become in society. As for her argument, she approaches it with cause and effect way inductive reasoning. Her main example is her introduction of statistics of the rise in number of teens who smoked after Camel was produced. She believed it was the campaign of Joe Camel which drew teens in to become smokers. I believe this is true. In my history class we would discuss the issue of Joe Camel and how the company would advertise and find ways to lure people into buying their products. They created the character, Joe Camel, and made him into this cool an appealing Camel who made smoking look cool. So if you were to smoke like Joe Camel, you then would also be cool. It’s just a little more inductive reasoning for all of you. But anyways, one of her efforts to stop this growing problem, she helped banned cigarettes in school. I believe it was a good idea and it should have helped stop the increase of teen smokers if they couldn’t do it at school. It would be less interaction between teens and fewer exposures to others so curiosity would not be generated amongst the crowd.

Randy Alonzo.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 7 Question #1

This week I figured that work has taken too much of my time that I can be using for school or a potential social life, so I created availability form for my job at the DC. As for my argument to receive less hours of work, I stated that I wanted to work 10 to 15 hours a week. I also marked down spaces of times that I cannot work due to school or other activities such as meeting for my club that I part take in. As a result of this, I do not work 20 plus hours anymore. I also do not have an opening shift anymore. So my two premises would be the statement of only wanting to work 10 to 15 hours a week and also the available time shifts that I have marked which lead to the conclusion of working less hours. I work under 20 hours a week but I still work 18 which I find ridiculous. (#firstworldproblems)

Randy Alonzo.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 8 Question #3

The concept that stuck with me is the idea of deductive reasoning. There is more to just simple statements of true or false. It can range from valid and invalid reasons, to sound and unsound. Logic plays a very big role in this topic as well. A universal understanding can simply be overturned with two premises that are valid supporting detail. With that said, the conclusion does not have to be true in a valid argument. It can be false and still be a valid argument. What got my attention was the example of Tom Cruise being tall, when obviously he is not tall but fairly short. With logic and first impression, I guarantee 9 out of 10 people will disagree to the statement of Tom Cruise being tall. The minority is only considering the people that may not have even heard of Tom Cruise. I find it very interesting that with this type of reasoning anyone can turn fact into fiction. 

Randy Alonzo.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chapter 8 Question #2

The topic of the Death Penalty is a very controversial issue. According to Sister Helen Prejean, the Death Penalty is ruled immoral and violates the dignity and rights of all human beings. She also states that it is against the teachings of Jesus Christ. I agree with her ideals because being that I am religious and do believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, I feel like killing whatsoever is wrong. Killing in the first place is wrong and punishing someone who committed murder with death does not make us as humans better than the person who killed in the beginning. But a counter-argument to this issue is by putting yourself in the position of having someone dear to you murdered. Would you want the murdered to receive the Death Penalty? Most people or nearly everyone would want the murdered to receive the Death Penalty. But if the United States truly claims to be this so called Christian nation, then wouldn’t everyone follow in the teachings of Jesus Christ such as forgiveness? Forgiveness to those that committed wrong? I truly believe that morally we should not consider death as a solution to any problem. But it is truly impossible for all humans to agree on an idea such as this for we are instinctively born to create conflict and inflict war onto others. In realist views I believe Death Penalty will be our current solution to the act of killing because humans are stubborn to obey morals until something drastic is forced upon us. But in the end I truly support that murder and the Death Penalty is simply immoral.

Randy Alonzo.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter 8 Discussion Question #1

So after reading Chapter 8, I feel as if Sherlock Holmes makes a great point of how most people that try to prove a point go off assumptions. I feel like this happens still to this day. It is like everyone that is involved with an argument does whatever it takes to be the victor of an argument no matter if he or she is actually telling the truth. I believe that most people just take offense when in the heat of the moment. For example, my brothers and I always get into arguments. One particular event that comes to mind is when my oldest brother stole money from my wallet. What he did not realize is that I happen to catch him in the act. As he put the money away I confronted him. Of course being defensive he would deny every possible accusation that came his way. The difference between our arguments is that instead of opinion based knowledge I had actual facts to back up my accusations. So he ended up giving back my money which to this day he swears that he did not take. I also believe in times like this, pride plays a big role. So Sherlock Holmes had to go through reasoning with facts to prove his points against all the reports and I feel like this obviously still occurs with everyone. If not, nobody would have found out that the horse killed Straker, and an innocent person would be in jail.

Randy Alonzo.