For me, one that can use further discussion would have to be
the concept of advertisement and what goes into it to make it successful. For
me, I am really into marketing and advertising, just because of the fact that I
am constantly around it especially in times like this where technology is
dominate. I believe that this would be a concept I would love to further discuss
and gain more knowledge about. One aspect that I would really love to touch on
would be the technology aspect of advertisement. I love contributing my opinions
and ideas to any project especially commercials and new campaigning. During high
school when we would do mock businesses such as food stands I was part of
Promotions and advertising so I feel this aspect would go hand in hand with me
and my ideals already. Just the extra knowledge would help. I love interacting
with a group just to promote an item. I feel accomplished when a product of
mine would become successful.
Thank you for this great year everyone!
Randy Alonzo.